Molecular Mechanisms in Drug Resistance: Insights from Pharmaceutical Sciences and Molecular Medicine
Paper ID : 1126-IGA
Yasaman Aliyan *
Department of Biology, Faculty of Advanced Sciences and Technology, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Background and Aim: Experimental and clinical evidences show that drug resistance has turned to a major challenge in the treatment of various diseases. Investigating the molecular mechanisms involved in drug resistance is pivotal for modern therapies. In this study we aim to explore the molecular mechanisms associated with drug resistance and to provide insights from both pharmaceutical sciences and molecular medicine, focusing on potential strategies to overcome resistance.
Methods: A detailed literature search was conducted using key terms such as “drug resistance,” “molecular mechanisms,” “pharmaceutical sciences,” “molecular medicine,” and “therapeutic strategies.” Relevant studies were sourced from databases including Google Scholar, PubMed, Clarivate, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. The review analyzed peer-reviewed articles, clinical studies, and reviews published over the past 15 years, with a focus on identifying the key molecular pathways involved in drug resistance and the implications for pharmaceutical research and development.
Results: The reports indicate that alterations in drug targets, efflux pump overexpression, enzymatic drug inactivation, and changes in cell death pathways are major components of drug delivery in target tissues. Genetic mutations, epigenetic modifications, and the tumor microenvironment also play a crucial role in drug resistance.
Conclusion: The complexity of drug resistance has been highlighted in a variety of studies, according to which, we need multidisciplinary approaches combining pharmaceutical sciences and molecular medicine to address effectively the drug resistance in target tissues. Using in vitro and in vivo molecular medicine findings and pharmaceutical sciences provide a deeper understanding of the mechanisms driving resistance, offering avenues for novel therapeutic strategies.
Drug resistance, Molecular mechanisms, Pharmaceutical sciences, Molecular medicine
Status: Accepted